Go fight with your Stress”

No matter how different our dilemmas are, we all deal with stress. Be it our jobs, family life, relationships or even finances. Stress is there. There is no such thing as being permanently worry free; it’s just a matter of knowing how to properly handle man’s worst enemy.
Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of life. When your brain perceives a threat, your body usually releases a burst of hormones to fuel your fight-or-flight response.
To win against stress, we have to learn the art of managing stress. Here are few stress busters that is essential to living a better life.

· 1. Create a to-do list containing all your pending jobs, daily chores, and responsibilities. Crossing out an item in your list can make you feel good and accomplished.
· 2. What’s done is done. Don’t dwell on trivial matters or of things that happened in the past. Shake off the dust and change the record. Wallowing over past issues will not change it but instead, learn from experience and prepare for the future.
· 3. When things or situations get heated up, try to make a joke out of it. View the situation from your future self’s perspective. Laughter, whether it’s yours or someone else’s, is the best medicine.
4. Telling a friend and getting it off your chest will help a lot. If you’re not the type to share, write it down. Writing is a therapeutic as talking.
5. Take a breather. This is the most immediate defense against stress. Taking a short break every time stress is beginning to take hold can make situations seems lighter.
While a little stress can be good for you, too much of it can do harm. Just always remember to take life lightly and that everything eventually passes. Nothing good ever came out of throwing a fit when stressed. Maintaining grace under pressure is already half the battle won.
BJ 3-1N